It’s the End of the World….. Or the School Year

While plenty of other people are blathering on and on about the rapture, which a crazy 89-year old Oakland pastor is predicting is going to happen this Saturday, I’m worried about the end of something else: the school year. This is something I know without fail is coming, and it’s coming soon, but technically after the end of the world.

That means our family calendar is filling up with end of year events like tonight’s Open House at Olivia’s school, a garden party tomorrow at the preschool, a violin recital, and the list goes on and on and on. I’m exhausted just writing about it. Now while the proud mom in me loves to see everything the kids have accomplished over the school year, the over-scheduled mom in me really would just like to consolidate it all in one day, instead of over weeks. That would make our lives a heckuva (yes I just wrote heckuva) lot easier. But no, instead I’ve got to endure it for weeks.

Just like the end of the year, it’s a bittersweet time, and it forces me to look back at all of the girls’ changes. I know they’re growing like weeds because their pants are looking more like capris, and their long-sleeve shirts look more like 3/4 length.

I may get plenty of eye rolls and attitude from Olivia, but I’m seeing how she’s excelling in math, learning to love a good book, and finding her own sense of style by turning a scarf into a one-of-a-kind head band.

With Erin, her memory is constantly amazing me, as well as her sheer determination to master her speech problems. She makes a conscious effort to slowly and clearly form the “l” sound, and I’m noticing a major improvement. She also has an uncanny comedic timing, and can make me bust a gut laughing at her quirky sense of humor.

And with Carrie, she is my little nut who loves doing monkey hugs, running on her tip toes, and is constantly sticking her tongue out. She knows exactly what she wants, when she wants it, and will stop at nothing to get it, especially if it’s something currently in the hands of one of her sisters. She’s also found a love for Barbie dolls and Groovy Girls, and can even get Van to play dolls with her, by flashing her one-sided dimpled smile at him.

So while other people spend the next few days worrying about the end of the world, I’m sure I’m going to be stressed out about the end of school year activities. Through it all though, I’m going to try and focus on their accomplishments, not the annoyance of the countless commitments. Wish me luck.